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Prime time player,

Intense man.

Notable wrestler,

Kindest soul!

Yippie here it goes.

Woo that stinks,

daddio you hear that?

Can you see it?

Starting with prime time,

Read down the line.

First letter,

Spells out the players name.

Started from the bottom,

Now he is here.

Say his name!

Pinky Chippendales,

Odd ball,

But unique at most!

He is your host,

Of the pink light district.

He is,

Pinky Chippendales.

Hey y'all!

I know you might be confused as to the title and the poem itself lol, that's ok this one has a bit of a spin on it. This is dedicated to my dear friend Ryan Stoll aka pinky Chippendales of Nickel City Wrestling. Pinky is a unique character and I absolutely love it lol. Silly for sure but he sure can sell it in the ring!! Here's to you pinky!

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