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What is ink?

Is it color?

it could be.

Many colors actually.

It's used a lot,

For printing,

For art,

For anything.

Do you like ink?

I do.

Tattoo ink that is.

I love the color.

The shading,

They are addicting.

Tattoo's that is.

Once you start to ink.

You will blink,

And have a lot.

A lot of ink.

Tattoo's are addicting.

I just love the ink.

The art of,

The ink.

So, you are all probably wondering, what on earth could be the story behind this poem here. well here, i shall explain. the art of ink like i stated can be many things. but my favorite form of ink, is tattoo ink. i love tattoo's and i love art. i have several tattoo's. some of my tattoo's have meanings behind them, and some don't. if you like it and want it then hey, go for it! i mean that is what i would say ha! most people wont agree with me on that statement. because most people are like seriously judgmental and would say "why did you just get that?" or "whats your meaning for that one?" like seriously people? let others live and do what they please with there bodies.

just saying.

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